Monday, December 31, 2007

hey hey hey. before people get on me about it i want to clear it up...

The love I was talking about in the previous post >see below< was love between wife and husband, not the love of friendship. I know thats a great love to have because i share it with many people. When you have a boyfriend/girlfriend in high school i personally believe it's not love...yet. Wait a few years. Sorry bout that confusion. Sooooo yea I <3 when people leave me comments cause then I have something to blog about.

Anonymous light in the storm, that we call life said...

yeah. you do write about love a lot. but i think the phrase means somethig else. say 2 pll are relly close friends, and the love each other, but just as friends. then one day one of them gets hit by a car and dies. sure the other friend is sad, but is it better to have had thoses years as friends? I agree that if its true love they will never leave you. but what if you find it in high school? so what. when it happens it happens. You dont really have a say in it at all. do'nt be afriad of love my friend, it is a wonderful thing. i think you want love. but you just won't admit it. take the chance. God'd plan will unfold. You just have to let it.

Anonymous Anonymous said...

you write about love alot. you want love soon, you just won't admit it.

Why do you people think I want love so badly. I may write about it a lot but it doesn't mean I yearn for it. It's a hot topic in life. I do admit though it would be nice to have true love but when I'm ready for it. Right now I have all the love i need from my friends. >.< Please tell me what you really think cause i appreciate it....a lot. I know people try to dissect how I feel from my blog post but truly no one knows what I feel but me. Thank you ^.^ and have a nice day

-c'est la vie

Saturday, December 29, 2007

tis better to have loved and lost is a bunch of bull

I, for one, believe that it's better to have never loved at all in the sense of the phrase. Picture this. I have never had cable t.v in my life, I'm perfectly content without it. Some of my friends have had it forever. They would be devastated if they couldn't watch all their favorite shows. It's not that good of a metaphor but you get my point. Love is a great thing but I personally don't think that people in high school have experienced it. If you have loved and lost it sucks doesn't it. You wish you never loved at all, still had you heart in one peace, and didn't have to worry about dealing with ex boyfriends/girlfriends. Plus, I think it's not love if you lost it. The person you love would never leave you.

-c'est la vie

my mind

I feel as though my mind is in perfect peace. I feel like I'm truly happy and content. I don't need to worry about anything. Girls are like, the last thing on my mind. If I get a girlfriend then cool, if not then oh well. I'm not gonna push everything aside for girls. I'm taking life as it comes. I'm really happy and care-free. It feels nice. I'm going to excel, not to the Guitar Hero 3 tournament thanks to Kelly. She brought me to my senses with a nice chat that 12:00 in the morning. I think I'm making the right choice.

-on a side note, I <3 muh new hat

-c'est las vie

Wednesday, December 26, 2007

its time for....

James' definition of the word commitment - willing to respect one's decision on waiting to date and willing to wait until you are ready.

I see to many people rushing into... I don't want to say the word relationship because it really isn't one..... so I'll use hook-up. People should wait until they are ready to handel it. High School definatly isn't the time for this. You should be focused on more important things like; God(for me and some others I know), friendships, grades, sports, and other important things. Girls/guys just distract you from your goal. College. That's one of the main things you should focus on. You shouldn't be worrying who your girlfriend/boyfriend is or who anyone elses is. It just isn't really important.

-c'est la vie

Thursday, December 20, 2007

two post in like 10 minutes (im bored)

sooo i was looking at my leg and i kinda have a scar in the shape of a heart. it's actually kinda cool.
back on topic
why does having a boyfriend/girlfriend determine status in this school. It pisses me off. If you dont have a gf/bf or your going out with this person your not cool but if you go out with this person your automatically popular. How has our school system, nay, our population become so shallow . Really people, it's only high school. Get over it. I hope you enjoyed you rant for the day.

c'est la vie

oh how i love to....

rant. ranty ranty rant rant rant. lol its a funny word. i love to say it. when i go on rants its usually to release stress. i dont want to bash the people that they are about but ya know the stuff needs to be said. If im not gonna say it who will. I speak nothing but the truth here people. So if you dont like the truth get out of here. if you do, read on and enjoy my semi-daily rant (i post if im not being lazy =p)

c'est la vie

Wednesday, December 19, 2007

ok now im confused

Why aren't girls accustomed to guys writing poetry. I'll tell people i write and they'll be like " but your a guy." what does being a guy have to do with poetry. I know most poems express feelings but just because I'm a guy doesn't mean I can't share what I'm feeling. i have a heart to people and sometimes it aches and sometimes it really happy. That's what I write about. I write when I'm anywhere. Poetry isn't just for girls, guys write too
-Rant for the Day
(you may get one more)

Tuesday, December 18, 2007

just listen

Guard your heart.
Nobody listens to me when i say that.
If you give it away to too many people
there will be nothing left for the one your end up with.
To many people waste their lives on high school relationships
which are meaningless.
These last, at most, through high school.
What happens when you go of to college and meet new people,
Your not going to wait.
What happens when you find out that the "love of your life" met new people.
People are probably going to kill me for this but it needed to be said.
c'est la vie

Monday, December 17, 2007

It don't mean a thing if you aint got that swing

So went to muh first diamond dance on saturday. met Ashlie, Kristy, Chris, Carp, Tony, Sam, and David there. had a lot of fun. I did a lot of dancing. It was a lot of fun. Jamie and Meg came later in the night and we taught them to dance. lol. Played a lot of maple after that. Gah im feeling sick. I've got a cold now. Well im off to school