Anonymous said...
you write about love alot. you want love soon, you just won't admit it.
-c'est la vie
just me
you write about love alot. you want love soon, you just won't admit it.
Michel, your not as tranparent as you think you are. when ppl get to kno u. i mean really kno you, we kno more about you do then you think we do. >_< b/c thats how friends roll. we all love you. even if your hard to stand sometimes. =p. your the rock that keeps us going, and we can tell when ur feeling something. so inseed of trying to say the only one who nos is you, why not blog everything? HA.
you think ppl cant see he real u alll the ime. but some off us ( the lucky ones) can.
you wanted to kno what i think so there u go.
-light in the storm, that we call life
yeah. you do write about love a lot. but i think the phrase means somethig else. say 2 pll are relly close friends, and the love each other, but just as friends. then one day one of them gets hit by a car and dies. sure the other friend is sad, but is it better to have had thoses years as friends? I agree that if its true love they will never leave you. but what if you find it in high school? so what. when it happens it happens. You dont really have a say in it at all. do'nt be afriad of love my friend, it is a wonderful thing. i think you want love. but you just won't admit it. take the chance. God'd plan will unfold. You just have to let it.