Tuesday, October 30, 2007

Life in general

Life in general has been pretty... hmmm, so many words describe it. Fun, hectic, confusing, worth living, but overall an amazing experience. Tonight was the awards ceremony at the school. I got my academic letter which was pretty cool. Totally off topic but have there ever been times in your life where you wish everything would just fall into place perfectly and stay that way forever? Feedback and discussion is greatly appreciated. Ya know, sometimes I hate my feelings, sometimes i love them. My heart aches, my brain hurts, and i don't know when things will get better.

In a field outside of town we could always be alone
Carry a blanket maybe a basket - and that's it
Innocence was the key I was locked up never free
Until you turned me

Like vines we intertwined (like vines we intertwined)
Carelessly growing up and growing old
Life was on our tongues (on our tongues)
And it tasted heavenly so good

I wake up and I feel alone
I was just asleep
Right where I belong
Inside this sad, sad song

I knew this was a dream it was too good to be true
Coincidences were a bit much too
Who wants to wake up?
Who wants to lose it?
Who wants to live in this place?
I don't, so I'll be sleepin in

I love this song. The lyrics are great, the music is great, and the lyrics describe a lot of things perfectly.
Listening to: The Hush Sound - We Intertwined
via FoxyTunes

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