Wednesday, September 19, 2007

Not for the faint of heart

it might be hard to read below so he is my testimony.

i grew up in probably one of the worst home imaginable. My mom and dad fought constantly. my dad pushed my mom down stairs and threatened her with guns. they got divorced when i was about 3 and i lived with my mom. My parents decided i should go to a Christian school and become religious even though they weren't. it was pretty fun. at the end of third grade my mom asked me if i wanted to go to shen and i did. i wasn't really in tune with the school. i didn't like the rules or how strict they were. I moved from shen in the middle of 5th grade to Schenectady. in 6th grade i got into so many fights my mom moved me back to the Christian school at the end of the 1st quarter. I was able to go back in 7th grade but i still got into fights. when i moved to Ballston Spa in 8th grade i had to go in to take tests. when i was dine i met Mr. Muller and he asked me to join the football team. i did and it was pretty fun but i got involved in wrong crowds. i smoked pot for the first time on my 14th birthday. after school later that week i was hanging out with one of my friends when we heard about vertical and decided to check it out for skating. i stayed for the whole thing because the speaker was pretty cool. i kept going back and i went to middle school camp that summer. when i got back my friend introduced me to the VPT leader Jon Wise. I got involved in production and it was fun. I got baptised in October and i thought it was gonna be easy life. during wrestling season i got caught up in more pot, chewing tobacco, and drinking. it wasn't everyday but i looked for it. in march i went to elevate and went i went through the window with Jon Wise i realized i screwed up my life, when i got back i fought my problems. In July i went to lift camp. I realized i still had problems in my life. I decided to break up with my then girlfriend and i broke of ties with old friends. In august we went to NYC and i had an awesome time.

Listening to: David Crowder Band - Every Move I Make
via FoxyTunes


Anonymous said...

james, i'm a face in the crowd.
i met you not to long ago and am shy. but care so much about you, its wreid, and you probly have a girl friend but, if i don't let you no how i fell ths advice is going to sound wrong, but i fell like i no you, and can trust you. maybe in a year or two i let you no who i am, but dont woory about what you have done THATS the past. The amzoning thing about our God is he forgives, and lets us start again. A man gave his life for you, so you could be forgiven. I was struggling with my faith, not knowing what to do, but seeing and meeting you hearing your testimey made me ASK FOR FORGIVENESS,nd trust god I wish i could talk to you but, i dont think you even no i even like you a litte and you problly think am some new girl who always flolows you. e-mail me at so i no how you fell about this.
i'm sorry if i sound like a freack or a crazy person, but i fell like god is beside me as i write this.... i jst fould this website some how

Anonymous said...

the song what hurts the most by rasscle flats explains how i fell
( the song not th vidio)
ugg i sound so